
On 21th July2018, like every year the Institute was all geared up for the new batch to take on the academic session 2018-19. It was a fantastic and a successful joint effort planned by the staff and students. First Year students enthusiastically lining up to walk the steps to seminar Hall. An hour later a pack audience, waited for the ceremonious morning. The program was divided into two parts, the first a formal part followed by the informal event which was conducted by SYMMS Students.

The session was graced by Hon.Guest Shikhar.H.Thakur – Treasurer of VIVA Trust, and Hon.Mr. S.N.Padhye – Trust member of VIVA. Hon.Dr. Hiresh luhar, took the dais on sharp 11.00 a.m .

Goddess Sarasvati Pooja illuminated the hall to give a perfect glow. After the welcoming session, Dr.Hiresh Luhar with his encouraging speech brought instant applause from the students. Subsequently Mr. SN Padhye, Honorable Guests had wonderful words and citations and addressed the gathering with motivational and inspirational words to give extra boost to the new entrants, who looked a bit dazed but were put at complete ease by him. He also motivated the new entrants to explore the opportunities which they get in the institute life. The Guest with their words of wisdom, asked the students to urge themselves a little more than the usual to come out as complete winners.

The program came to an end with the teaching and non-teaching staff introducing themselves. This broke the final ice between the students and the staff and the whole session was concluded by choosing the Mr. Fresher and Miss Fresher of 2018 based on their overall performances and a Question & Answer round.

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